Thursday, 7 February 2013

Tips for Cleaning Out the Cupboard and Cleaning Up Your Diet!

Often the food items we keep in our cupboard (or pantry) prevents us from eating healthier. These foods are likely processed and devoid of nutritional value yet offer us convenience, taste and comfort. Make healthier eating easier by following these 4 strategies to clean out your cupboard and clean up your diet.

1. All food should be fair game.
·      Cupboards should be stocked with foods anyone from the family can enjoy (with the exception of toddlers who should avoid foods that are choking hazards i.e. nuts).

·      If someone in the house is “not allowed” to eat something, avoid purchasing that item. This reduces temptation to eat it and resentment towards others who can have it.  

2. Out of sight, out of mind.
·      Store treats in places you or the family is less likely to look i.e. in the basement, in a cellar, on the top shelf of a cupboard.

·      Keep healthy choices front and centre.

·      Avoid over stocking the pantry with food items that are too easy and tempting to eat.

·      Instead stock up the fridge (fruits, vegetables, natural peanut butter, yogurt, unsalted almonds or pistachios)

3. Buy what you need, not necessarily what you want.
·      Skip purchasing unhealthy choices because they are on sale or sold in multiples.

·      Plan meals for the week, before grocery shopping, and buy food accordingly.

4. Practice self-discipline.
·      If there are tempting foods that are difficult to portion control, avoid bringing these items into your home.

© 2007-2011 Barbara Parisotto RD. All rights reserved.